
Tuesday, August 23

The New Chapter of My Life Begin

So the time is coming, I will be a student again. After more than three years saying goodbye for the textbooks and also making my 'hand dirty' while working at industry, I'm now had to face the pile of books once more. I am thankful to Allah for this opportunity.

The fact is I’m supposed to start my MSc at Denmark since last year. However, due to a few unforeseen reasons, I had to postpone to this year. Believe or not, the tuition fee of master study here is really dam expensive. The cost is almost seven times higher than my fellow friends who are studying in Malaysia. Nevertheless, as Malay’s proverb says that ‘di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan’ (where there is a will, there is a way).

Therefore, it’s like a wish come true. Since, my childhood I was dreaming to further study in oversea. While reading newspaper in Ramadhan month, looking at the smiley faces of the students who sending their pictures on snow to ‘Salam Perantau’ column really makes me envy but also motivated me to do the same. And now I have no doubt to send Salam Perantau wishes to my families in Malaysian Local Newspaper :) 

Starting last December 2010, I was quite busy making 'research' about the requirements, prepared motivational & application letters and filled several forms to secure a place to further MSc study at a local university in Denmark.

DTU Logo. Simple right?

I had sent a few applications to Universities in Denmark and successfully received conditional offer from three of them. However, I had to turn down the offer from Aarhus University (Master’s programme in Process Technology) and Syddansk Universitet (University of Southern Denmark)-Product Development Engineering. I chose to further study in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet -DTU (Technical University of Denmark).

In facts, I also did consider to apply a place to study in Malmö University in Sweden. However, knowing that, a fee need to be paid just for application and the free tuition fee waiver was abrogated, I cancel the idea. I'm also 'successfully' rejected by one of the Erasmus Programs due to the scholarship for the course only offered for a student from the third countries and my country, Malaysia is labeled as the delevoping country..

There are several of reasons why I choose DTU. One of them, it’s due to the facts that my other half, who is already further her PhD at the same university study since last year, and it’s just about 4km from our apartment. Plus, it’s a good university for engineering field. It’s ranked as one of the top universities among Nordic countries. And of course, due to some other unspecific reasons.

Whatever, I’m looking forward to spending time for Introduction Week starting tomorrow although it’s still in the fasting month for Muslim. So, let’s see what gonna be happen during this week and I will update asap. See u soon ok!


  1. Congrats! Dapat sponsorship juga atau bayar sendiri... Samalah kat sini pon yuran mahal kalau tak dapat sponsor tak merasa la jua nak belajar abroad.. Apa pun alhamdulillah and best of luck!

  2. Gratulerer! Ada peluang utk belajar lagi gunakanlah..seronok je dgr org sambung belajar..diri sendiri tak tau bilalah berpeluang..

  3. kudos to u & all the best...!!

  4. Salam!Syabas & Tahniah utk Awe,belajarlh bsungguh..hatta pah kenegeri cina sekali pun..,
    Gi lah..!

  5. @Zainur: memang yuran mahal
    @naihusna: InsyaAllah kalau ada peluang tu, jangan la lepaskan.
    @Deramae Lleh: W'salam. Timo kaseh, Pok Cik Deramae
