Showing posts with label Bunga2 Cinta SPRING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bunga2 Cinta SPRING. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25

Kejap Sejuk Kejap Panas

Alhamdulillah musim sejuk yang panjang telah pun berlalu, memberi laluan kepada musim bunga pula untuk bertandang. Rata-rata, semua orang menyukai musim bunga. Manakan tidak, bunga-bungaan tumbuh melata di sana sini. Hati mana yang tidak girang.
Sekitar blok tempat belajar di Uni.. rasa macam nak berguling-guling sambil membaca buku..
Oleh kerana dedaun kehijauan tumbuh secara serentak, maka warnanya adalah sekata dan tampak cantik pabila sinari mentari ditambah pula backdrop langit yang membiru. Rumput menghijau pula bak karpet hijau yang terbentang, dan biasanya terselit kekuningan bunga dandelion yang tumbuh meliar. Burung-burung juga berkicau merdu saling bersahutan mengusik cecuping halwa telinga. Maklumla, bila bunga dan putik mula mengeluarkan biji buah, ulat-ulat pun membiak cepat. Maka gembira sakan la sang burung kekenyangan.

Yang sedikit kurang best, di musim bunga ni, cuacanya cepat berubah. Kejap sejuk dan juga kejap je panas. Last week, suhu terpanas direkodkan seantero Denmark bagi tahun 2013, iaitu 27.5oC. Tapi seringkali, angin sejuk masih datang bertamu menjadikan suhu serendah 8oC di malam hari. Oh ya sekarang ni, waktu siang pun makin beransur panjang. Waktu solat Subuh seawal 2.30 pg dan mentari terbenam agak lewat, maka lebih kurang jam 9.45 mlm baru masuk waktu Maghrib.

Sila layan 4 gambar panorama pemandangan ruangan halaman rumah kami di penghujung winter dan juga kini, di musim spring. Dahan yang dulunya hanya tunggul tanpa sehelai daun kini dipenuhi dedaun hijau. Bungaannya pulak ada pelbagai warna. Berputik segar menghiasi hujung reranting. Ada yang bewarna merah, putih, kuning dan juga merah jambu. Walaupun perubahan musim asyik silih berganti, rasa syukur dapat menghayati simfoni alam yang indah ciptaan Allah SWT ni.
Sisa salji yang masih belum mencair- Hujung March 2013
Suasana mula menghijau.- Pertengahan Mei 2013
Pokok-pokok yang masih togel di penghujung winter
Pokok-pokok epal di depan rumah tengah lebat berbunga!
P/S: Kat Malaysia lagi best, sepanjang tahun pokok bunga berbunga, tak kira musim!

Next post: Denmark from A to Å

Friday, June 24

Throughout Our Window

Cepat sungguh waktu berlalu. Semalam, dah pun masuk mid summer. Kalau mengikut kalendar musim di eropah, 23 June adalah hari pertengahan musim panas (Soltice). Hari yang mana waktu siang terpanjang pada tahun tersebut.

Dan setiap hari, jenguk tingkap ada je perubahan kat luar. Jom layanz gambar-gambar 4 musim di Denmark melalui ruang tingkap rumah kami. Korang rase musim ape paling cantik? Waktu kaler Hijau? Kuning? Putih? atau Perang?
Summer - June 2011
Spring - Mac 2011
Winter - Jan 2011
Autumn - Nov 2010

> Next post : Photo Story : An Evening at Wheat Field <

Tuesday, May 17

The Colour of Spring

Saja-saja testing camera Nikon baru ambil gambar bunga keliling rumah…Layanz warna-warna musim bunga..

Tebang gelam tebang kenanga
Batang tumbang menimpa Kak Limah
Kumbang mengidam nak seri bunga
Bunga kembang di keliling rumah

Bunga dikutip buat karangan
Karangan diletak di atas peti
Telah ku sunting bunga di jambangan

Segar  berseri di taman hati

Next post : Panas di Malaysia vs Summer in Eropah

Sunday, April 17

The Queen Doesn't Want to Celebrate Her Birthday With Me

Most of the building decorated with Danish flag
When I was in Denmark, I am wondering when the Danes will celebrate their  Independence Day. However, I am totally forgotten that Denmark never been invaded by other countries (although they had war with Germany). Therefore, on 16 April every year, Denmark celebrate their 'national holiday' on the Queen of Denmark birthday. In facts, Denmark and the UK are among the few countries which do not have national days/independence day.

As my wife was thousand kilometers away in Kuala Lumpur, back to Malaysia for a conference, and I became the lonely husband who staying home, I decided to go out and explore the Copenhagen city again by myself. In addition, I need to do some groceries at Central Market (Asian market) because the fridge at home is almost empty.
Den Lille Havfrue (the little mermaid)
First, I take a train to Osterport. Then, take a walk to the famous statue of naked women in Denmark. It is Den Lille Havfrue (the little mermaid). When, I was there, 4 buses of tourist just arrived. The place was crowded with tourist, so I let the tourist conquer the area as I am not the tourist anymore in Denmark (as I do have a temporary resident permit ok!!)
Frit Danmark Museum (and the entrance also free)
Then, I walk to Frit Danmark Museum, which was just nearby the statue. It is a small museum dedicated to Denmarks patriot and their war history collection. Actually, I went to the museum because I have toilet emergency. But, at the entrance, it is clearly stated that the toilet only for museum visitor. Therefore, I have to be the museum visitor first before use the toilet! Haha
The frustrated people waiting for the Queen
Later, I quickly walk to Amalienborg (palace). Suppose, every year the Queen with family will be coming out to the balcony and wave to her people. And unfortunately, not this year. The queen and family were at Århus, at the other palace for the birthday celebration. Plus, there is a construction in the middle of Amalienborg
Special Changing Guard Ceremony
I think nearly thousand of Danes including me who are waiting passionately around the Amalienborg with their Danneborg (Denmark flag's name) are disappointed. But, the guard changing ceremony for the day was different as the palace guard worn a special uniform (to be worn only twice a year) in conjunction with the Queen Birthday.
Trees with white flower
Trees with red flower
Feel frustrated, I walkway with a bit disappointed and go to Kongens Haven (Kings Garden) to see the flowers around the Rosenborg Slot, Copenhagen. And have a lunch (packed sandwich with an apple) at a bench while watching the amazing scenery. It was wonderful and so colorful. 
Wall full with paintings
As an avid art lover, I decided to continue the city exploration and went to Staten Museum For Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark). There is a special exhibition was held, but for the normal visit in other exhibition hall, it's just FOC. Yes, I love the free thing :). It was magnificent, with 10,500 collection of paintings on the wall and sculpture dating from the early Renaissance to the most cutting-edge of contemporary art.
is it considered as art?? anyone can guess the meaning of this painting??
After that, I make some groceries at Chinatown, Thai and Kabul Market (yes, I did shopping at 3 different countries in half an hour) and back home for Zuhur prayer. I was lucky, because my neighbour was invited me for makan2. So, no need to prepare the dinner alone for the night.. 


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