Thursday, August 25

DTU International MSc Student Introduction Week

Denmark Technical University (DTU) had organized a four-day Introduction Week for all the International students from 23-26 August 2011. There were more than 1000 international students (including exchange students) from over than 50 countries who registered for MSc study at DTU this year. And yes, I am the only from Malaysia.

On the first day, we were divided into different groups. Group A to P for Master students and Group 1 to 16 to for exchange students. The orientation took place in the Sport Hall. I was in the Group E. There were 11 people in my group, and I was the only one from Asian countries. Most of them awere from EU countries. I got to know many other new friends. And our IntroWeek guide is a friendly local Danish student name Christine.
Singing session lead by funny DTU Choir Conductor
Firstly, there was a welcoming speech by DTU Sr. Vice President who is the Dean of Graduate Studies & International Affairs. Then, all of us had fun with singing and dancing session. Yeah, that why all Danes are happy country. They love to sing and dance. We also learned the National Danish Anthem, Der er et yndigt land (There is a lovely land).  

After that, we had an ice-breaking session. We were briefed on the orientation week tentative and the other important information as given in the files by our IntroWeek guide and later, we have a campus tour. For me, there is nothing new because I am already familiar with DTU area. I came to DTU few times, especially when I joined the DTU Spouse Network programs.

However, I am happy to know that there are two Databars in the campus available to all students. There, we can use the PC for the internet, printing and photocopies and all of them are free of charge!
Group E with full team spirit for DTU Rally
In the evening, we have outdoor and indoor activities. It is more or less Amazing Race, called DTU Rally but not that tough because the objective is to ensure all the students are familiar with the campus site. We walked around and do some tasks and answering all the questions about DTU. 
Building a tower from ballon, paper, cup, straw, rope and aluminium foil
For indoor activities all the groups had to build a tower from materials provided. The key is we have to build a tower with most stable but at the same time should be as tallest/highest (H) as possible. Besides, the top of the tower must be able to hold a number of beer cans -weight (W). The total point calculated by T=H2xW. Our group only managed to hold only a can of beer, and then the 96cm height tower was collapsed on the floor.
Tower stability testing
Although these group activities might sound easy and simple, they were fun and a good way to bring the group together. Our group comes out with a funny design. The tower was designed with theme 'the definition of masculinity'. No wonder it's easy to collapse...haha
Me with new friends from Romania, Mexico and Iceland
On the second day, we had a short course organized by International Affairs. The officer told us about the entire important thing such as what to expect in class, credit transfer and also plagiarism. Guess what, they have ‘urkund’ an electronical anti-plagiarism system which installed  since 2009 in the university’s computer system to detect plagiarism on our assignment, reports and thesis sentence by sentence. Kinda scary, ain't it? 
In the afternoon, all groups went to Copenhagen. We had group tour on the Canals and sightseeing around Copenhagen. But, I am not really excited about that as it was my third time I cruised around Copenhagen. First time during Kulturnatten and the second time with my Danish classmate. I am also already familiar and had visited most of the places in the city. So, there is nothing new about the Copenhagen city for me except about the Merman Statue. I just got to know that there is a Merman Statue with seven sons in the water beside a bridge at Gammel Strand close to Christiansborg Slotkirkie.
Some girls from my group take photo with 3 old Danish lady with their 7 layer traditional clothes at Nyhavn

All of us had to complete a list of tasks while visiting the city. We had a photo competition throughout the IntroWeek where there was a long list of tasks to be completed. Some of the tasks are quite funny and strange. For instance, we have to take photos with Politi (Danish Police) and Soldier. It’s kind of weird because it’s really hard to find any single policeman in the Copenhagen city center when we were there.
Finally we took photo with Tivoli Guard to replace the 'Politi'
The other tasks were we had to take photos with some Danish boys and girls (by hugging them) and taking photos with tourist, with old lady (by helping her cross a street) and also a photo of more than three person on a bike. Besides, we also need to take photo while having fun in the playground and a photo of person who is in hurry to toilet! 
Photo Competition task; Took photo with 6 person on a bike!

Tuesday, August 23

The New Chapter of My Life Begin

So the time is coming, I will be a student again. After more than three years saying goodbye for the textbooks and also making my 'hand dirty' while working at industry, I'm now had to face the pile of books once more. I am thankful to Allah for this opportunity.

The fact is I’m supposed to start my MSc at Denmark since last year. However, due to a few unforeseen reasons, I had to postpone to this year. Believe or not, the tuition fee of master study here is really dam expensive. The cost is almost seven times higher than my fellow friends who are studying in Malaysia. Nevertheless, as Malay’s proverb says that ‘di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan’ (where there is a will, there is a way).

Therefore, it’s like a wish come true. Since, my childhood I was dreaming to further study in oversea. While reading newspaper in Ramadhan month, looking at the smiley faces of the students who sending their pictures on snow to ‘Salam Perantau’ column really makes me envy but also motivated me to do the same. And now I have no doubt to send Salam Perantau wishes to my families in Malaysian Local Newspaper :) 

Starting last December 2010, I was quite busy making 'research' about the requirements, prepared motivational & application letters and filled several forms to secure a place to further MSc study at a local university in Denmark.

DTU Logo. Simple right?

I had sent a few applications to Universities in Denmark and successfully received conditional offer from three of them. However, I had to turn down the offer from Aarhus University (Master’s programme in Process Technology) and Syddansk Universitet (University of Southern Denmark)-Product Development Engineering. I chose to further study in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet -DTU (Technical University of Denmark).

In facts, I also did consider to apply a place to study in Malmö University in Sweden. However, knowing that, a fee need to be paid just for application and the free tuition fee waiver was abrogated, I cancel the idea. I'm also 'successfully' rejected by one of the Erasmus Programs due to the scholarship for the course only offered for a student from the third countries and my country, Malaysia is labeled as the delevoping country..

There are several of reasons why I choose DTU. One of them, it’s due to the facts that my other half, who is already further her PhD at the same university study since last year, and it’s just about 4km from our apartment. Plus, it’s a good university for engineering field. It’s ranked as one of the top universities among Nordic countries. And of course, due to some other unspecific reasons.

Whatever, I’m looking forward to spending time for Introduction Week starting tomorrow although it’s still in the fasting month for Muslim. So, let’s see what gonna be happen during this week and I will update asap. See u soon ok!

Sunday, August 21

Biskut Perantau : Cornflakes Crünchy Münchy

Budak-budak memang suka makan cornflakes, rangup. Mak budak dan bapak budak pun suka jugak kan. Bukan mak dan bapak budak pun lagi suka. Kebetulan stock cornflakes ada sekilo lebih lagi, maka salah satu cara nak perabihkannnya, adalah buat sekut cornflakes..hehe

Atas permintaan penulis DKKC, chef Alafiza tak buat  biskut femes Cornflakes Madu tu. Eissh tak suka la makan biskut melekit-lekit kat tangan. Bak kat orang Kelate, belengah. So, kukis berteraskan cornflakes yang dipilih adalah Cornflakes Crünchy Münchy. Namanya telah diubah suai, supaya kedengaran ala-ala Scandinavian sket..haha
Ini dia resepinya puan-puan. Acu cuba try teh deh..

Cornflakes Crünchy Münchy
Made in Denmark. By Den lille Kok Alafiza
Original recipe from :

250 g Mentega
200 g Gula perang
2 biji   Kuning telur
150 g  Cornflakes –dihancurkan sedikit
150 g  Tepung jagung –ayak
150 g  Tepung naik sendiri –ayak
Brown Sugar
Kalau dah namanya kukis cornflakes mesti la ada cornflakes. Yang ni jenis plain.  Biskut healthy diet gitu
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) adalah seperti berikut;
1.    Mentega, gula di kacau rata dan masukkan kuning telur. Pukul lagi. Masukkan cornflakes dan gaul lagi.
2.    Masukkan tepung jagung dan tepung naik sendiri demi sediki. Gaul hingga sebati
3.    Susun di atas dulang. Bentukkan mengikut citarasa masing2
4.    Hiaskan sesuka hati dan bakar hinga keperangan
Tips : Biskut yang cantik, tak semesti sedap dan biskut yang tak cantik, tak semesti tak sedap tapi kadang-kadang memang tak sedap..huhhu
Search tag: biskut raya, bisku raya sedap, biskut raya 2013, biksut raya baru

Saturday, August 20

Biskut Raya Perantau : Cranberry Pistachio Shortbreads

Orang zaman sekarang dah kurang gemar buat kuih raya dah. Al maklumlah semua asyik bizi. Aleh2 tunjuk je kat kedai, beli je biskut raya yang dah siap, senang. Tapi kalau dok perantauan ni, kat mana nak beli biskut raya ‘tunjuk’??

So, kena la buat sekut raya sendiri. Tahun ni, ada beberapa jenis kukis raya yang ada dalam list. Maklumlah mengidam ketupat palas tak de, makan biskut raya di pagi raya pun jadi la. Lagipun kot2 ada tetamu datang bertandang, boleh la dihidang dengan kuih raya. Baru ada mood raya sket walau beraya di perantauan.. Ye la takkan nak hidang biskut Oreo plak.
Kalau puan-puan terliur miur nak makan kukis di atas, boleh la mencubanya. Semudah ABCDFG je.

Cranberry Pistachio Shortbreads 
Made in Denmark. By The Little Chef Alafiza
Original recipe from : The Joy of Baking 

300 g  Tepung serba guna
226 g  Butter (suhu bilik)
135 g  Granulated sugar 
1 tsp   Vanilla
130 g  Pistachio (unsalted pistachios, coarsely chopped)
150 g  Cranberry (dried cranberries, coarsely chopped)

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) adalah seperti berikut;
1.    Pukul butter dengan mixer hingga sekata
2.    Masukkan gula, pukul dan pukul lagi hingga sebati dan masukkan vanilla

Inilah kacang pistachio. Goreng dulu separa masak. Cranberry tu rasa masam2 manis. Sesuai ngan kekacang
3.  Masukkan gandum sedikit demi sedikit dan kacau dgn sepatula hingga sebati
4.    Masukkan kacang pistachio dan cranberries. Gaulkan lagi
5.  Bahagikan doh, lenyekkan, balut dengan plastik dan sejukkan dalam peti sejuk (paling kurang 2 jam. Boleh simpan smpi 3 hr)
6.    Keluarkan dari peti sejuk. Potong petak2.
7.    Bakar selama 15-20 min menggunakan api 160oC

Biskut raya ni memang gerenti sedap. Kalu tak nak try & nak makan je, jom la datang beraya bersama kami di Copenhagen…

>>Blog travelog ni nampak gayanya dah bertukar menjadi blog masakan la plak..huhu

Next post : Cornflakes Crünchy Münchy
Search tag: biskut raya, bisku raya sedap, biskut raya 2013, biksut raya baru

Friday, August 12

Cleopatra Datang Ke Copenhagen

Berpuasa di perantauan, terutamanya di utara Eropah memang mencabar. Maka taknya, hampir 18 jam berpuasa dari pukul lebih kurang 3 pagi hingga 9 malam. Nak menunggu waktu berbuka memang la jenuh. Rasa macam lambat betul jam bergerak.

Lantas pada Ahad yang lepas penulis DKKC mengajak Cik Puan Isteri berjalan meronda-ronda Kota Copenhagen sambil menunggu waktu berbuka. Ibadah puasa memang tak menghalang aktviti luar walaupun memang dugaan menggugat iman di merata-rata dan juga terliur bangat tengok orang makan eskrem tepi jalan. Makin kuat la perut berdondang sayang.  
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Kebetulan pada hari Ahad yang lepas adalah Ahad minggu pertama. Walaupun mulai Ogos 2011 dah tak de Gratis Søndag macam dulu2 (‘Percuma Ahad’ minggu pertama-naik train di kawasan Copenhagen dan jajahan takluknya percuma), tapi sekarang ada scheme baru iaitu kene bayar 14kr (RM8) for all zones. Maksudnya dengan membayar RM 8 boleh pergi ke mana di sekitar Copenhagen dan bandar sekitarnya. Ok la tuh. Malah boleh naik seberapa kerap train S-Tog termasuk la bas dan juga underground train, Metro. Tapi hanya pada hari Ahad minggu pertama je. Jadi la..

Tempat yang nak dituju adalah Ny Carlberg Glyptotek.  Nama museum tu memang ada bunyi kemabukan alkohol sket. Ahaa. Memang, sebab museum ni foundernya adalah Carl Jacobsen, tauke empayar minuman Carlsberg. ‘Glyptotek’ tu bermaksud sculpture collection. Jangan fikir bende lain plak.

Apsal tiba2 nak pergi muzium ni? Sebab, museum Glyptotek ni ade bawa Cleopatra VII datang ke muzium. Bukan dari Alexandria, Egypt, tapi dari London. Ya, kebanyakan bahan pameran dipinjamkan oleh The British Museum London. Hhmmm, pameran khas ‘Cleopatra World’ ni bermula dah lama sejak 29 April hinggalah 7 August 2011. Jadinya waktu kami pergi tu, hari last exhibition la. Tapi, ingat orang kat Malaysia je suke bab2 last menet ni, rupa-rupanya orang Danes 2x4 je. Muzium penuh dengan manusia.
Pelik tengok sorang brother ni bersungguh ambil gambar. Pastu baru perasan tengok tatoo kat tangan dia, ada gambar Cleopatra!
Mungkin sebab museum tu tak mengenakan sebarang bayaran pada hari Ahad, ramai orang plak hari tu. Pelik tak? Memang, kat sini hari Ahad orang dok rumah ngan family je, shopping complex pun tutup. Sebab tu depa terpaksa buat gitu, baru la orang datang museum. Kalau hari biasa (Tue-Sun) kene bayar 75kr (RM40). Mahal gak tu, setakat nak masuk museum tengok bende camgini, kirim salam la. Dan kalau bab-bab free dan diskaun ni memang penulis DKKC suke. 
Sekarang baru la tahu yang Cleopatra ni ada banyak rupanya.. Emm, korang tahu ke? Ada Cleopatra I, II, III, IV, V,VI sampai la VII. Dan Cleopatra VII ni femes sket, sebab dia ‘the Last Pharaoh of Egypt’. Lagipun dia jugak terkenal dengan kecantikan malah menjadi Queen semasa usia muda 17/18 tahun. Dan juga sebab kaitannnya dengan Kerajaan Rome.

Di Ny Carlsberg Glyplotek ada juga section pameran lain. Seperti sculpture antik lagi kuno sekitar Mediterranean dari Egypt, Rom dan juga Greek. Pendek kata penuh dengan patung dan juga statue. Terdapat juga beberapa ruang bahagian portrait karya pelukis terkenal dari Eropah terutamanya dari Perancis, termasuk la 3 keping lukisan dari Vincent van Gogh. Kat bahagian bawah tanah plak, di buatnya macam bahagian dalam pyramid (macam pernah masuk pyramid je..kui2). Ada bilik khas yang diletakkan mumia. Seram gak, mana la tahu kot2 mumia tu bangun..nanti tanjat boboi!

Wednesday, August 10

Sarkas Bukan Sarkastik

Ada pernah menonton sarkas? Bukan sarkastik. Tapi sarkas, ala yang ada badut, persembahan akrobatik dan haiwan tu. Ha, yang tu la..
Arena Cirkus in Lyngby

Orang di Denmark kat sini memang gemarkan menonton sarkas. Terutamanya pada musim panas. Padahal tiap-tiap tahun ada. Tapi diaorang tetap pi tengok, dan tak pernah jemu. Sebabnya? Setiap tahun persembahan sarkas yang dipertontonkan adalah jenis berlainan. Siap ada tema-tema lagi. Lagipun bagi diorang menonton sarkas ni semacam hiburan kekeluargaan (family entertainment).

Kat sini ada beberapa kumpulan sarkas yang popular seperti Arena, Benneweis and Dannebrog (yang bersaiz besar), dan juga yang berskala saiz medium seperti Circus Baldoni dan Circus Arli. Kumpulan-kumpulan ni bergerak dari satu bandar ke bandar yang lain di dalam Denmark. 

Penulis DKKC memang dari dulu teringin nak tengok apekemende yang ada kat Sarkas di Denmark ni. Memandangkan tiket nak masuk memang boleh tahan, pikir 5 kali jugak.  Mase booking tiket tu, baru keluar citer Harry Potter 7 part 2. Nak tengok wayang ke nak gi sarkas. Maka, penulis DKKC pun bermesyuarat dengan cik puan isteri dengan mengambil kira ‘peruntukan entertaiment’ bulanan. Yes, we do have some small budget for monthly entertainment! So, kalau dah terlebih ‘hiburan’ maka kena la postponed next couple of months/years (or forever?). Maklum, kene la save sket budget dan berjimat cermat untuk masa depan. Lagipun, tak elok terlebih hiburan ni, tak elok untuk kesihatan dan kewangan..muahehe

Akhirnya, menonton sarkas dipilih. Reasonnya, tiket dapat diskaun dan tempatnya tak jauh dari rumah. Asalnya, tiket harga 200kr (mahal tu RM 115/sorang). Tapi oleh sebab, kelab di department university cik puan isteri anjurkan untuk pergi reramai, dan depa ada beli secara group dapatlah harga 175kr/person. Tapi, mungkin sebab tak de orang nak join, depa kasi can murah je, (lebih kurang sama untuk harga tiket wayang) iaitu 80kr (RM 46), kami pun booking tiket. Pastu, baru la perasan, alamak show sarkas tu bulan puasa! Huhu
Diorios dari Brazil. Fenin tengok  budak-budak tu pusing2

Sarkas yang kami tonton tu adalah dari Kumpulan Arena Circus (terbesar di negara-negara Scandinavia). Yang bestnya bertemakan ‘circus under water’. Kebanyakan penghibur adalah tertaraf ‘internationale’. Antaranya kumpulan Shandong Acrobatic (China), Dioiros-terbang dalam roda (Brazil), Body Artits Trio Larus (Hungary), Zorro Senoritas (Sepanyol), Russian Rope Artistry dan The Little Mowgli with elephants (Africa) dan beberapa lagi. Dan juga clown (badut) dari Itali. Tapi, badut sekarang dah tak de bakai baju warna-warni, topi tinggi dan juga letak bola kat hidung macam dulu-dulu. Dah moden kot.
Badut moden, Jimmy Folco dari Itali, bukan yang kanan tapi yang sebelah kiri
Mowgli and 4 African Elephants

Persembahan dibahagikan kepada 2 sesi. Sesi pertama yang bertemakan air. Manakala yang kedua rasanya bertemakan terbang-terbang kot. Tema api tak de plak. Ada juga haiwan seperti singa laut, gajah, kuda dan juga anjing buat persembahan. Best memang best. Sampai hilang rasa lapar puasa sekejap. Tapi, penulis DKKC banyak kene tutup/kenyit mata je, sebab banyak sangat part yang boleh ‘menguruskan’ puasa…

Thursday, August 4

Spontaneous Thursday: Mat Bunga?

'Mat Bunga' menyunting bunga lavender. Maklum lasusah nak jumpa lavender yang hidup kat Malaysia

Wanita dan bunga memang sinonim. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau seseorang itu mempunyai nama ala2 kebungaan, macam Melur, Dahlia dan juga Ros. Begitu juga dengan nama lain seperti Kesuma, Puspa, Sari. Tapi, bagaimana pula dengan lelaki ? Ada kaitan ke? Rasanya tak begitu sinonim kot. Mungkin sebab tu tak de tak ramai lelaki yang bernama kebungaan. Kalau adapun mungkin bunga Ros. Contohnya Roslan, Rosman dan Rosfarizal..
Walaupun, nama penulis DKKC langsung tiada kaitan dengan sebarang jenis bunga, namun minat terhadap jenis tumbuhan yang mengeluarkan bungaan memang tidak boleh disangkal. Lebih-lebih lagi, membelek bunga pelik-pelik yang tumbuh meliar di Denmark ni.  Hmm..suka-suka jugak, tapi tidaklah sampai ke tahap menjadi mat bunga... 

Wednesday, August 3

Wordless Wednesday: Petunjuk Bagi Sekalian Manusia

“Bulan Ramadan yang padanya diturunkan Al-Quran, menjadi petunjuk bagi sekalian manusia, dan menjadi keterangan-keterangan yang menjelaskan petunjuk dan (menjelaskan) perbezaan antara yang benar dengan yang salah.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 185) 


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